Reminder – Bromsgrove District Annual Community Survey OPEN but closing 5pm 12 Nov

Please could we ask you to share this far and wide across the District.

Residents of Bromsgrove District are invited to take part in a survey which helps inform the District Council’s plans and decisions for the year ahead.

The annual Community Survey asks residents for their views and opinions about issues affecting them, their local area, and district council services. The results are then reported to members and officers of the council.

The 2021 survey is available for anyone to take part at covers a range of areas and we have undertaken work to streamline the survey meaning it should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete, with the option to ‘save and continue’ if you want to take a break while filling it in. The results of last year’s survey are also available on the council’s website.

The closing date for responses is 5pm on Friday 12 November 2021

For more information, please contact the council’s Engagement, Equalities and Policy team at 

Word and PDF copies of the survey are attached.

Many thanks


Emily Payne

Engagement & Equalities Advisor

My working pattern is Tue to Fri 9.30-2.30

Tel: 01527 64252 ext. 2409 or Direct Dial 01527 548284


Bromsgrove District Council


Market Street,



B61 8DA

Redditch Borough Council

Town Hall

Walter Stranz Square



B98 8AH


Under the General Data Protection Regulation, we have a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect from you. Information contained in this email and any attachments may be privileged or confidential and intended for the exclusive use of the original recipient. If you have received this email by mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete the email, including emptying your deleted email box. For more information; <a href=>Redditch</a> and <a href=>Bromsgrove</a>


Total Attachments: 1

Download: BDC Community Survey 2021 word version (76 KB)

First Notice of Order – Road Closure – Beoley – Bromsgrove District – 1105756



Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

(Chapel Lane, Beoley)(Temporary Closure) Order 2021

Proposed Order: to close that part of Chapel Lane from its junction with  B4101 Beoley Lane to its junction with U23611 Holt Hill.

Reason: New Customer Connection by Severn Trent Water.

Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the works to be undertaken.

Alternative route: B4101 Beoley Lane, U23611 Holt Hill and vice versa.

Maximum duration: 18 MonthsAnticipated duration: 3 days Commencing: 29 November 2021

Thomas Pollock Head of Commercial Law (Legal & Governance) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester

3 November 2021












1105756 – 1- Chapel Lane, Beoley

Streetworks Admin – WCPO00042626


Total Attachments: 2

Download: chapel ln sketch (313 KB) Download: 229599 Chapel Ln, Redditch Worcestershire B98 9FH-.0001 (676 KB)

HWW Digital Access to Healthcare Survey

Healthwatch Worcestershire Survey – Digital Access to Healthcare

We want to understand what you think about finding information and communicating with health services online.

During Covid-19 GP practices and increasingly hospitals have been using telephone and video call consultations in place of face-to-face appointments. There has also been an increase in the use of email and text message communication and ordering of prescriptions online. We know not everyone has access to the internet or finds it easy to use.

Please complete our survey to share your feedback and experiences. We will use your feedback to tell health services about the things they need to consider when they are planning how services will operate in the future.

The survey can be completed online here –

Contact us for more information, paper copies of the survey or to complete the survey by phone –

01386 550264 / 

Healthwatch Worcestershire is an independent organisation. We find out what people think about local health and social care services and make recommendations to those who run the services about how they could be improved. For more information about our work please visit our website –

Morag Edmondson
Engagement Officer
01386 565952
07767 114098

Register to receive our bulletins and updates


Healthwatch Worcestershire
The Civic Centre
Queen Elizabeth Drive
WR10 1PT
01386 550264

Healthwatch Worcestershire is a private company limited by guarantee, Company No. 8411386.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Digital Access to Healthcare Survey Flyer (119 KB)

Wellbeing in Partnership E-Bulletin – Bromsgrove & Redditch – Update 52

Dear all,

Please find the latest information bulletin below.  (Please note: These bulletins are designed to replace our monthly e-newsletter for the time being, with Covid related information at the top.)

*UPDATED* COVID Vaccinations  


  • Anyone aged 16 or over who are registered with a GP surgery in England, can book their COVID-19 vaccination appointment(s), as well as parents of 12-15 year olds.  To find out more, including information on walk-in sites, go to: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination – NHS ( or call 119.

*IMPORTANT REMINDER* – COVID Testing – Rapid Lateral Flow Tests & PCR Tests


Everyone can access FREE regular rapid tests.  They are for people who DO NOT have any symptoms.  Regular, twice weekly rapid testing is encouraged, even if you have been vaccinated.  Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have any symptoms.  Getting tested regularly finds hidden cases, ensuring you don’t pass it onto family members, friends or workmates.  If people test positive and self-isolate, it helps stop the virus spreading.

You can book a test, order online or simply pick up home testing at a range of local venues.  Your employer may also offer free rapid lateral flow testing.  The tests give you a result in just 30 minutes.  Further information, including FAQs, can be found here.

Have symptoms and need a free PCR test?   Go to: Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (

In some circumstances, you can also have a PCR test without symptoms, such as you have had a positive rapid lateral flow test or you are aware you have come into contact with someone who has COVID‑19, for instance.  Further information and advice can be found using the same ‘Get a free PCR test’ link above

Further information on both types of tests can be found here.

COVID Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme (includes eligible parents/guardians)


Since Monday 16th August 2021, changes to self isolation rules have affected who is able to claim a support payment.  Redditch and Bromsgrove residents can find out more on eligibility and how to apply at:,-education-skills/benefits-help/nhs-covid-19-test-and-trace-self-isolation-support-payment.aspx

Public Health Worcestershire – latest Vaccination / COVID data and messages


  • Real Time Worcestershire Coronavirus Data – is publicly available.  The live dashboard shows the numbers of new cases Worcestershire wide and also by District.  Further information about COVID-19 cases in Worcestershire can be found through the LG inform data website.  There are also interactive maps covering all of the UK can be found on the website.

REMINDER – The Local Community Responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic  

Further details on the local community responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic is attached but basic contact details are listed below.  Please help ensure all local residents are aware so everyone is directed to and receives the support they need during this time:

·      Support Bromsgrove – – Tel: (24 hr answerphone) 01527 306490 or Email:  (poster attached)

·      Redditch East Stronger Together (REST) – Tel: 01527 919869

·      Support Redditch Emergency Network (SREN) – Tel: 01527 359008 or Email: 

·      Here2Help Worcestershire – – Tel: 01905 768053

Service / Support – Information Updates

  • *REMINDER* VCS Groups call to host Community Builder posts in Redditch – Funding is available in Redditch (and the other districts of Worcestershire) to build on the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model of community development in our most deprived local areas.  Work has already begun by the ABCD Team from the County Council in Woodrow using this approach.  The next step is to employ “Community Builders” in Woodrow and other areas of Redditch to take this work further.  Redditch Borough Council are providing local Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations an opportunity to apply to host these Community Builder posts in their own organisations to ensure they work with local communities as closely as possible.  If you would be interested in applying to host Community Builder posts in Redditch, please see the attached specification and application form.  Closing date for applications is Monday 25th October at 5pm.

·       New Temporary Jobcentres – one in Redditch – Two new temporary Jobcentres will shortly be opening in Worcestershire. These “Rapid Expansion” sites will increase capacity to provide tailored face-to-face support in a COVID-secure environment and help support more people back into work and progress into new roles. The new sites will be in Redditch (Kingfisher Shopping Centre) and Kidderminster (Crossley Retail Park).  DWP will review the need for these temporary jobcentres as the economy recovers.  The Redditch site is likely to open in early December 2021 whilst the Kidderminster site is expected to open in January 2022.

  • Heat4Health – Act on Energy, a local charity, offers free information and guidance to residents aiming to improve lives through warmer homes and reduce the number of households living in fuel poverty.  Heat4Health can offer: home visits, phone or virtual consultations; speaking with energy supplier on residents behalf; practical support and guidance with installing low cost energy saving measures within the home, helping residents feel in control of fuel costs and consumption; and referrals for grants and funding which may be available.  If you know anyone who could benefit, please direct them to Act on Energy for support.  Further details can be found online and a leaflet is attached.

  • Worcestershire Adult Learning – Digital Skills – Worcestershire County Council’s Adult Learning are offering Computer / Digital Skills training for absolute beginners to more advanced, many of which are running from Bromsgrove and/or Redditch libraries, amongst other local venues.  All the details can be found at: Adult Learning Courses (

  • Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest – Please see attached further information regarding Age UK BRWR Classes and Activities in Redditch and Free Home Energy Checks across North Worcestershire.  Age UK BRWF is also recruiting for volunteer Trustees too.  Please see attached for further details.

  • Place2Be – Parenting Smart – The children’s mental health charity, Place2Be, has launched a new website aimed at helping parents with typical situations they can find themselves in with their children. Advice can be found on over forty topics including: Understanding sibling rivalry; My child is lying, what does it mean, what should I do?; My child has trouble going to sleep; My child says ‘I hate you!’; Cultural identity: who am I?  Please encourage parents to visit: Place2Be: Parenting Smart: Articles


Surveys / Studies


  • Youth Mental Health Study – Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust is promoting a study on behalf of the University of Manchester, who are exploring the opinions of young people living with a mental health condition, around digital apps for managing physical health / lifestyle.  The Study is open to young people ages between 16 and 30 years and runs until 1 December 2021.  Further information is attached.

Training and Events – if you missed it in the last bulletin, here is a reminder….

·        Future of Employment Support in Worcestershire Event – this free event is taking place on Thursday 4 November at 10am.  Hosted by Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire LEP it will give participants chance to meet new providers, discuss the challenges and support us to enable relationships and understanding to work better together.  Please follow this link for more information –


  • Free Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) ‘2 day’ virtual training is available for staff and volunteers working in Worcestershire – MHFA is an internationally recognised training course, designed to teach people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. In the same way as learning physical first aid, MHFA teaches people how to recognise those crucial warning signs of mental ill health and feel confident to guide someone to appropriate support.  Please see the attached leaflet which provides more information and dates and times for this virtual 2-day course.


Other Newsletters

  • NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Communications Update  – please see latest one attached.
  • NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Involvement Network Update  – please see latest one attached.
  • DWP Touchbase and DWP Weekly updates – all attached for information.
  • Worcestershire Children First – Commissioning Newsletter – please see October update attached.

We hope you find some of the information above helpful.  Please let us know if you would like any information put into these bulletins by emailing us at .  We are currently sending out bulletins fortnightly.

Kind Regards,

Della McCarthy & Helen Broughton

Bromsgrove Partnership / Redditch Partnership



On our email distribution lists?

If you receive emails from us via the following email address  and you no longer wish to receive them, please contact us and we will remove your details.

View our Privacy and fair processing notices here:

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, we have a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect from you. Information contained in this email and any attachments may be privileged or confidential and intended for the exclusive use of the original recipient. If you have received this email by mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete the email, including emptying your deleted email box. For more information; <a href=>Redditch</a> and <a href=>Bromsgrove</a>


Second Notice of Order – Road Closure – Beoley – Bromsgrove District – 1088158

Second Notice of Order – Road Closure – Beoley  – Bromsgrove District – 1088158

​Please see the attached public notice of a temporary traffic restrictions.



Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

(Chapel Lane, Beoley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2021

Order made: to close that part of Chapel Lane from its junction with B4101 Beoley Lane to its junction with U23611 Holt Hill

Reason: Utility works by Cadent Gas/STW.

Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the works to be undertaken.

Alternative route: B4101 Beoley Lane, U23611 Holt Hill and vice versa.

Maximum duration: 18 Months. Anticipated duration: 4 days Commencing: 26 October 2021

Thomas Pollock Head of Commercial Law (Legal & Governance) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester

20 October 2021





1088158 – 2 – Chapel Lane, Beoley

Streetworks Admin – WCPO00042626


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Cadent WM AMB369 Ash Tree Cottage - RC (2) (441 KB)

Here 2 Help Community Services Directory

Please see information on the launch of the new Here2Help Community Services Directory!

Following its launch in 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Here2Help has provided a range of support to thousands of residents with access to food, medication, and local services. As we move out of the pandemic, Here2Help will continue to support people with these activities, whilst evolving to offer a wider range of services across Worcestershire.

In September 2021, Here2Help launched its Community Services Directory as part of its wider service to help residents search for a range of services and support offered by charities, community groups, businesses, the public sector and other organisations in their local area and across the whole of Worcestershire.  These services include mental health and wellbeing, financial advice, assistance and supplies, volunteering opportunities, recreation activities and much more.

Attached is an A4 poster which we would ask you to circulate to all interested parties, include in any newsletters or print and place in your local public areas / community buildings too.

For more information, support or to register your business or service on the Community Services Directory, go to


Total Attachments: 1

Download: 64968 H2H Marketing Materials - A4 Poster White (468 KB)

Wellbeing in Partnership E-Bulletin – Bromsgrove & Redditch – Update 51

Dear all,

Please find the latest information bulletin below.  (Please note: These bulletins are designed to replace our monthly e-newsletter for the time being, with Covid related information at the top.)

COVID Vaccinations  


  • Over 16’s can now receive a Covid-19 vaccination.  Anyone aged 16 or over who are registered with a GP surgery in England can book their vaccination appointment(s).  To find out more, including information on walk-in sites, go to: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination – NHS ( or call 119.

  • Anyone aged between 16 years to 17 years and 9 months require one dose only.  Anyone aged over 17 years and 9 months requires 2 doses.

  • All children aged 12 to 15 will be offered a 1st dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.  Parents and guardians will get a letter with information about when the vaccine will be offered.  Most children will be given their vaccine at school.  Some children are being offered 2 doses of the vaccine and will be contacted directly by the NHS.
  • For further information on who can get the vaccine, broken down into the different age categories, can be found at: Who can get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine – NHS (

REMINDER – COVID Testing – Rapid Lateral Flow Tests & PCR Tests


Everyone can access FREE regular rapid tests.  They are for people who DO NOT have any symptoms.  Regular, twice weekly rapid testing is encouraged, even if you have been vaccinated.  Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have any symptoms.  Getting tested regularly finds hidden cases, ensuring you don’t pass it onto family members, friends or workmates.  If people test positive and self-isolate, it helps stop the virus spreading.

You can book at test, order online or simply pick up home testing at a range of local venues.  Your employer may also offer free rapid lateral flow testing.  The tests give you a result in just 30 minutes.  Further information, including FAQs, can be found here.

Have symptoms and need a free PCR test?   Go to: Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (

In some circumstances, you can also have a PCR test without symptoms, such as you have had a positive rapid lateral flow test or you are aware you have come into contact with someone who has COVID‑19, for instance.  Further information and advice can be found using the same ‘Get a free PCR test’ link above

Further information on both types of tests can be found here.

COVID Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme (includes eligible parents/guardians)


Since Monday 16th August 2021, changes to self isolation rules have affected who is able to claim a support payment.  Redditch and Bromsgrove residents can find out more on eligibility and how to apply at:,-education-skills/benefits-help/nhs-covid-19-test-and-trace-self-isolation-support-payment.aspx

REMINDER – Public Health Worcestershire – latest Vaccination / COVID data and messages


  • Real Time Worcestershire Coronavirus Data – is publicly available.  The live dashboard shows the numbers of new cases Worcestershire wide and also by District.  Further information about COVID-19 cases in Worcestershire can be found through the LG inform data website.  There are also interactive maps covering all of the UK can be found on the website.

REMINDER – The Local Community Responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic  

Further details on the local community responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic is attached but basic contact details are listed below.  Please help ensure all local residents are aware so everyone is directed to and receives the support they need during this time:

·       Support Bromsgrove – – Tel: (24 hr answerphone) 01527 306490 or Email:  (poster attached)

·       Redditch East Stronger Together (REST) – Tel: 01527 919869

·       Support Redditch Emergency Network (SREN) – Tel: 01527 359008 or Email: 

·       Here2Help Worcestershire – – Tel: 01905 768053

Service / Support – Information Updates

  • *REMINDER* Recruiting two Community Builders – Catshill and Rubery – Do you know anyone who lives or works in Catshill or Rubery who loves their community and has a real desire to work alongside a whole range of people?  If so, let them know about this exciting opportunity!  As a Community Builder they will spend time getting to know the community and working with them to drive sustainable community‑driven development.  Further details, including the full job description, can be found at: Paid Roles – NewStarts.  The deadline for applications is 15 October.  Please help by sharing this Facebook post.

  • VCS Groups call to host Community Builder posts in Redditch  – As with the above in Catshill, funding is also available in Redditch (and the other districts of Worcestershire) to build on the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model of community development in our most deprived local areas.  Work has already begun by the ABCD Team from the County Council in Woodrow using this approach.  The next step is to employ “Community Builders” in Woodrow and other areas of Redditch to take this work further.  Redditch Borough Council are providing local Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations an opportunity to apply to host these Community Builder posts in their own organisations to ensure they work with local communities as closely as possible.  If you would be interested in applying to host Community Builder posts in Redditch, please see the attached specification and application form.  Closing date for applications is Monday 25th October at 5pm.
  • Here 2 Help Launches! – Here2Help is a community action scheme, originally dedicated to helping those who needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are now evolving the service so it offers advice, support and help to a wide range of services across Worcestershire.  As lockdown begins to ease, Here2Help will still help to support people who need to self-isolate and offer support to those who are unable to seek help from family, friends or neighbours.  Here2Help has been such a success, it has expanded the range of resources available. One of the services available is a directory of services for Worcestershire. This can be utilised by organisations and the public to access help and support.  It also needs organisations to register their services on the directory.  For more information and to access the directory please follow this link –
  • World Mental Health Day – Sunday 10th October was World Mental Health Day.  As part of marking this day organisations have been sharing this video from Nick at Run Talk Run in Redditch, encouraging people to access help if they’re struggling alone with their mental health.  Nick shares his own story, shows that recovery is possible and speaks out against stigma.  There is also the launch of the new mental health campaign “”Now We’re Talking – Acting Together to Prevent Suicide” (#PreventSucideTogether).  Please see the attached call for action for further information on the roll out of this campaign.



Training and Events


  • Loan Shark Training – A loan shark is someone who lends money, they rarely give any paperwork and if repayments are missed they often use violence and intimidation to get their money back.  Faced with this problem would you or your staff know what to do? A national, dedicated team is cracking down on loan sharks and they’d like to tell you more.  They have set up some training sessions on 26th October and 18th November.  For more info and to book on click on the link

  • Positive Me Course – Do you or someone you work with want to improve your self-esteem, feel confident in personal situations, and challenge your negative thoughts? If so, this is the perfect course for you! First, discover the links between mental and physical health and learn strategies to manage; depression, anxiety or stress. Then, working with your tutor, you’ll set yourself some realistic and personal learning goals, which the group and you will celebrate once achieved.  This course is being delivered at the Pod in Bromsgrove.  Follow this link for more information – 

  • Free Training Opportunity with Act On Energy – Are you a front-line worker who works with vulnerable clients? Has the recent energy crisis worried you or your service users?

The last 18 months has left more households than ever having to choose between heating and eating. Having a better understanding of fuel poverty, and what steps can be taken to tackle it, could help you support those most in need.  This free training session will cover: understanding energy; understanding fuel poverty; balancing fuel poverty and climate change; and combatting fuel poverty.  To view and book onto planned dates please click on the following link: Fuel Poverty Training with Act On Energy Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite.  Alternatively, if you would like personalised training for your whole team email  or call 0800 988 2881.

  • Free Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) ‘2 day’ virtual training is available for staff and volunteers working in Worcestershire – MHFA is an internationally recognised training course, designed to teach people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. In the same way as learning physical first aid, MHFA teaches people how to recognise those crucial warning signs of mental ill health and feel confident to guide someone to appropriate support.  Please see the attached leaflet which provides more information and dates and times for this virtual 2-day course.


Other Newsletters

  • NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Herefordshire and Worcestershire Involvement Network Update  – please see latest one attached.
  • NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Communications Update  – please see latest one attached.
  • DWP Touchbase, Mercia Partnership Newsletter and DWP Weekly update – all attached for information.
  • Active Redditch and Active Bromsgrove E-Bulletins  – attached for information.

We hope you find some of the information above helpful.  Please let us know if you would like any information put into these bulletins by emailing us at .  We are currently sending out bulletins fortnightly.

Kind Regards,

Della McCarthy & Helen Broughton

Bromsgrove Partnership / Redditch Partnership



On our email distribution lists?

If you receive emails from us via the following email address  and you no longer wish to receive them, please contact us and we will remove your details.

View our Privacy and fair processing notices here: