The 110th Annual Beoley Parish Meeting – All Welcome
The 110th Annual Beoley Parish Meeting
will be held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall
All are welcome to attend
If you are a member of a Group/Organisation/Club within the Parish then it is your chance to say a few words so that other residents of the Parish can consider joining and/or supporting your group.
If you’d like to say a few words on behalf of your group (one representative per group please) contact Gill Sloan (Parish Clerk) by Monday02/05/2022 either by e-mail () or by phone on 07763 463819.
Members of the public may wish to make written representations on issues rather than attending in person, in which case please contact the Parish Clerk Gill Sloan on 07763 463819, or by e-mail at
The Annual Parish Council Meeting will follow at approx. 7.30-7.45 pm.
Total Attachments: 2