Wellbeing in Partnership E-Bulletin – Bromsgrove & Redditch – Update 49

Dear all,

Please find the latest information bulletin below.  (Please note: These bulletins are designed to replace our monthly e-newsletter for the time being, with Covid related information at the top.)

COVID Vaccinations 


  • Guidance relating to children and young people aged 12-15 years – At the current time, children 12 to 15 years of age with severe neuro-disabilities, Down’s syndrome, underlying conditions resulting in immunosuppression, and those with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), severe learning disabilities or who are on the learning disability register are considered at increased risk for serious COVID-19 disease and should be offered COVID-19 vaccination.

REMINDER – COVID Testing – Rapid Lateral Flow Tests – for people who DO NOT have any symptoms


Everyone can access FREE regular rapid tests.  Regular, twice weekly rapid testing is encouraged, even if you have been vaccinated.  Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have any symptoms.  Getting tested regularly finds hidden cases, ensuring you don’t pass it onto family members, friends or workmates.  If people test positive and self-isolate, it helps stop the virus spreading.

You can book at test, order online or simply pick up home testing at a range of local venues.  Your employer may also offer free rapid lateral flow testing.  The tests give you a result in just 30 minutes.  Further information, including FAQs, can be found here.

Have symptoms and need a PCR test?  Further information on both types of tests can be found here.

COVID Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme (includes eligible parents/guardians)


Since Monday 16th August 2021, changes to self isolation rules have affected who is able to claim a support payment.  Redditch and Bromsgrove residents can find out more on eligibility and how to apply at:



REMINDER – Public Health Worcestershire – latest Vaccination / COVID data and messages


  • Real Time Worcestershire Coronavirus Data – is publicly available.  The live dashboard shows the numbers of new cases Worcestershire wide and also by District.  Further information about COVID-19 cases in Worcestershire can be found through the LG inform data website.  There are also interactive maps covering all of the UK can be found on the gov.uk website.

  • Please see the Worcestershire Public Health pages – for any local messages around restriction updates, vaccinations, advice and guidance.

REMINDER – The Local Community Responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic  

Further details on the local community responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic is attached but basic contact details are listed below.  Please help ensure all local residents are aware so everyone is directed to and receives the support they need during this time:

Service / Support – Information Updates

  • Looking Back at Bromsgrove – a new group is being launched at Bromsgrove Library for anyone interested in looking at Bromsgrove’s past and history.  Please see the attached poster for more information and dates for when this group will meet.

  • Catshill Baptist Church White Goods Scheme – Catshill Baptist Church are offering emergency help for vulnerable people and households in Bromsgrove (post codes B60 and B61) who need a white goods appliance and/or home essentials.  See attached email for more information and an application form.

  • Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch & Wyre Forest  – have their AGM on Thursday 30th September 2021 at 11am (poster attached) at Amphlett Hall (Crown Close, Bromsgrove, B61 8DW ) but online access to the meeting can also be provided.  Please see attached poster for more information.

  • World Suicide Prevention Day – took place on Friday 10th September.  Worcestershire Health and Care Trust launched their Now We’re Talking campaign on this date which provides resources and information for organisations looking to support people’s mental health and those in mental distress – more information can be found here – Now Were Talking Together To Prevent Suicide | Healthy Minds (whct.nhs.uk).


  • Worcestershire Life Curve – as part of the Positive Ageing project, the Worcestershire LifeCurve has gone live!  The LifeCurve is a new website and mobile app to help people in Worcestershire find out how well they are ageing, and whether they are losing the ability to carry out everyday tasks. Following a quick self-assessment, users will have access to locally tailored information on their current wellbeing, access to local resources and advice on staying active.  You can access the website via: worcs.lifecurve.uk/  (do download the app and give it a go).  And for further information visit Living Well in Later life: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/livingwellinlaterlife


Training and Courses


  • Covid Recovery Programme – The Councils are offering a FREE education and exercise programme to support people living with COVID symptoms.  They are piloting a 6 week progressive course in each area (Redditch and Bromsgrove) to include education around breathlessness, self-care and understanding the role that physical activity has to play in health.  You can see details of the programme starting on 28th September by visiting these webpages www.redditchbc.gov.uk/covidrecovery and www.bromsgrove.gov.uk/covidrecovery.  Please use the link on the webpages to book onto these courses.  These courses are open to all adults.

  • LGBTQ+ Funding Webinar – How can funders better support UK LGBTQ+ communities?  This session, for funders and LGBTQ+ organisations across the UK, will outline findings from research undertaken by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and Consortium, commissioned by The National Lottery Community Fund, on how funders can better support diverse UK LGBTQ+ organisations.  This event, which will be facilitated by colleagues from The National Lottery Community Fund, will look at the barriers experienced by different LGBTQ+ organisations when applying for and accessing funding, as well as the knowledge, skills and understanding funders need.  The webinar takes place on Wednesday 15th September at noon following this link – https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7DB5bpM6TqS3zCcX1LwQ3A

  • Community Learning at The Pod – see attached emails for more information on courses taking place at The Pod in Charford in September and October.

  • Worcestershire Adult & Community Education – new family learning courses are available to book now.  Parents can attend any course below FREE if they are unemployed and on benefits or they earn less than £17,000 per year. Parents can also attend for FREE if their child receives a Free School Meal or is known to their school SENCo. Professionals can also support parents in need by booking them directly onto the course on their behalf or parents can ring our team directly for support on 01905-728537. All Family Learning courses  can be found at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/courses and parents need to book their places before 24th September in order to enroll with time to start the 8 week courses.  Please see attached information.

  • Heart of Worcestershire College Courses – please find attached courses offered by the College for people aged 19+ looking to improve their employability and skills.



  • Tell us what you think about Bromsgrove Shopmobility – Bromsgrove District Council is interested to know from current and potential users what is important to them and any changes we may need to consider in the future.  The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will close at 5pm on Thursday 30 September 2021.  Here is the link to complete the survey – https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/BDCShopmobility2021/


Funding and Tenders


  • Redditch Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Programme Round Two Now Open! – The Council’s VCS Grants Programme is now open for applications to bid for funding from £500 up to £7.5K to help with their core costs and salaries or to support them to deliver great community events, projects and activities.  There’s just over £33K available in this round of which £5K has been ringfencing to create a separate ‘Mental Health’ funding pot. For this pot, VCS groups can bid for between £500 to £5k to help them deliver specific projects to support Redditch residents who have suffered increased mental health and wellbeing issues as a direct result of the Coronavirus pandemic. For further details about the programme and how to apply, please visit the website https://www.redditchbc.gov.uk/business/tax,-funding,-finance/grants-and-funding/voluntary-and-community-sector-funding.aspx  The closing date for all applications is 4pm, Wednesday 22nd September.

  • New Live Tender: Suicide Bereavement Service for Worcestershire – a new suicide bereavement support service for Worcestershire has just gone out to tender.  This has a closing date of Fri 24th Sept 4pm.  The aim of the service is to ensure an equitable and timely postvention support offer across the county to those bereaved by, affected by or exposed to suicide (confirmed or suspected; recent or historic).  It will act as a single point of contact and will offer practical and basic emotional support, with a view to improving resilience and wellbeing.  If you are interested in finding out more, you must be registered on the InTend portal to view full details and apply (Worcestershire County Council Electronic Tendering Site – Home (in-tendhost.co.uk)).  Any questions about the tender must be submitted through the portal.


Other Newsletters

  • Stop Loan Sharks – see attached newsletter
  • Active Redditch and Bromsgrove – see attached latest e-bulletins 
  • NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Communications Update – please see latest emails attached.
  • Herefordshire and Worcestershire Involvement Network Update – latest attached from HW CCG.
  • Worcestershire County Council Commissioning Newsletter – latest edition attached
  • DWP – Touchbase & Weekly Update – Latest attached for information.

We hope you find some of the information above helpful.  Please let us know if you would like any information put into these bulletins by emailing us at  .  We are currently sending out bulletins fortnightly.

Kind Regards,

Della McCarthy & Helen Broughton

Bromsgrove Partnership / Redditch Partnership



Total Attachments: 1

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