Wellbeing in Partnership E-Bulletin – Bromsgrove & Redditch – Update 56
Dear all,
Please find the latest information bulletin below. This is the final bulletin of the year and, as usual, includes Covid related information at the top.
*UPDATED* – COVID Vaccinations
- Is it time for your booster? Anyone aged 18 or over, and some 16 or over, can get a booster dose if their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was at least 3 months ago. Book a booster in advance on the national system or find out where your nearest walk in clinic is at: Book or manage a booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk), or through your GP surgery. Further information on who is eligible for the booster can be found at: Coronavirus (COVID-19) booster vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Not had your 1st or 2nd dose? You can book on the national system or find out where your nearest walk in clinic is at: Book or manage a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Are you a parent of a 12-15 year old? All children aged 12 to 15 can get a 1st dose and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and parents have the option of booking using the national system: Book or manage a booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk) or attending a walk in clinic. Further information can be found at: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 – NHS (www.nhs.uk).
v 16 and over? They too can get a 1st dose and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and can book using the national system too: Book or manage a booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk) Some aged 16 and over may be eligible for a booster too. For further information go to: Who can get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
v Want to know if the Walk-In Clinic at the Artrix is available before you visit? You can use the traffic light system online to find out when and where walk-ins are available: Walk-In Clinics Worcestershire – SW Healthcare. Remember, you do not need to be registered with a GP to attend a walk in vaccination site. Please be aware of the recent announcement about the changes to the Artrix opening times and that it will no longer be open 24 hours.
- Anyone not registered with a GP Surgery can do so for free and further information can be found at: How to register with a GP surgery – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- You do need to be registered with a GP to book a dose of COVID vaccine but you do NOT need to be registered with a GP to visit a walk-in vaccination site.
- Can’t find your NHS number to book an appointment? Then use this link: www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/
- Need to know more on Covid Vaccinations? Further information can be found on the NHS website at: www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination
*IMPORTANT REMINDER* – COVID Testing – Rapid Lateral Flow Tests & PCR Tests
Everyone can access FREE regular rapid lateral flow tests. They are for people who DO NOT have any symptoms. Regular rapid testing, such as twice a week or more, is encouraged, even if you have been vaccinated as you could still catch the virus or pass it on without knowing it. It is advised that you do rapid tests on days you’re more likely to catch or spread the virus. For instance, do a test before you mix with people in crowded indoor places..
You can book a test, order online or simply pick up home testing at a range of local venues. The tests give you a result in just 30 minutes. Further information, including FAQs, can be found here.
Not sure where to get your Rapid Lateral Flow Tests? You can simple enter your postcode and collection points and test sites closest to you will be listed. Go to: Find where to get rapid lateral flow tests – NHS (test-and-trace.nhs.uk)
Have symptoms and need a free PCR test? Go to: Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
In some circumstances, you can also have a PCR test without symptoms, such as you have had a positive rapid lateral flow test or you are aware you have come into contact with someone who has COVID‑19, for instance. Further information and advice can be found using the same ‘Get a free PCR test’ link above
Further information on both types of tests can be found here.
COVID Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme (includes eligible parents/guardians)
Test and Trace Support Payment scheme has supported people on low incomes who are unable to work from home and will lose income if they are required to self-isolate because of COVID-19 and since August 2021, this includes eligible parents / guardians. Redditch and Bromsgrove residents can find out more on eligibility and how to apply at:
Public Health Worcestershire – latest Vaccination / COVID data and messages
- Worcestershire COVID-19 Vaccinations Dashboard – The latest Worcestershire vaccination data is publicly available online and includes a District and MSOA (middle-layer super output area) breakdown by age group.
- Real Time Worcestershire Coronavirus Data – is publicly available. The live dashboard shows the numbers of new cases Worcestershire wide and also by District. Further information about COVID-19 cases in Worcestershire can be found through the LG inform data website. There are also interactive maps covering all of the UK can be found on the gov.uk website.
- COVID-19 Self Isolation – When and Who? – Please follow this link for advice from Public Health Worcestershire on when you need to self-isolate and when you don’t.
- Please see the Worcestershire Public Health pages – for any local messages around restriction updates, vaccinations, advice and guidance and in addition, here is a link to the Government’s COVID-19 Response Autumn and Winter Plan 2021.
REMINDER – The Local Community Responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic
Further details on the local community responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic is attached but basic contact details are listed below. Please help ensure all local residents are aware so everyone is directed to and receives the support they need during this time:
· Support Bromsgrove – www.supportbromsgrove.com – Tel: (24 hr answerphone) 01527 306490 or Email: (poster attached)
· Redditch East Stronger Together (REST) – Tel: 01527 919869
· Support Redditch Emergency Network (SREN) – Tel: 01527 359008 or Email:
· Here2Help Worcestershire – www.worcestershire.gov.uk/here2help – Tel: 01905 768053
Service / Support – Information Updates
- *REMINDER* Act on Energy – Worcestershire Household Support Fund – Many of you will be aware that Act on Energy provides free and confidential energy advice, but did you know that as part of the Worcestershire Winter 2021/22 Housing Support Fund, Act on Energy will be able to provide additional support to qualifying residents with their energy costs, fuel debt and where required, assistance to replace broken boilers and heating systems? This support available through this scheme, includes:
· Winter Fuel Payment
· Pre-Payment Fuel Vouchers
· Debt Relief – help with paying off fuel debt
· Help with broken heating systems (all fuel types) – includes replacement or repair; installation of first-time heating systems; and servicing.
Further information, including the eligibility criteria, can be found online at: WORCESTERSHIRE HOUSEHOLD SUPPORT FUND – Act On Energy. Residents can apply online or by calling the freephone number 0800 988 2881. Act on Energy will accept referrals from a recognised source such as a foodbank, schools etc. Please see attached poster for more information.
- Household Support – do you work with individuals / families who need help with essentials? – In addition to the support above relating to fuel payments / energy costs, there is other support available locally too, for those who are struggling with the cost of household essentials such as food. Bromsgrove and Redditch residents can find out more using the links below:
Household Support Fund – bromsgrove.gov.uk / Household Support Fund – redditchbc.gov.uk
- Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch (CABR) – Updates – Please find attached, a message from Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch new Chief Executive, Chris Roberts, who provides further details on the Household Support available (see above) as well as support available to Redditch residents in need of housing advice. In addition, CABR Christmas opening hours are attached for information.
- Need a Foodbank over the Festive period? – Please find attached opening times of the Redditch Foodbank and three foodbanks in Bromsgrove – Basement Project, Catshill Baptist Foodbank and NewStarts – over the Christmas holiday period.
- Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest – Christmas opening times – Details on opening times and contact details over the Christmas period can be found at: Age UK Bromsgrove Redditch Wyre Forest | Christmas 2021 Opening Hours
- West Mercia Police – Helping to keep everyone safe during the festive party period – More police officers will be on patrol, some of which will be specifically dedicated to identifying individuals displaying predatory behaviour. Further information is attached.
- Worcestershire Winters Well – Public Health have helpfully pulled together a web page with resources and information on how to keep well this winter. The page has links to everything from keeping warm, vaccinations, mental health, money issues and more. See this link for more information – Worcestershire Winters Well | Worcestershire County Council
- Ensuring good ventilation doesn’t mean being cold! – Letting fresh air in for just 10 minutes regularly (e.g. every hour) can help remove small coronavirus particles lingering in the air and the risk of COVID-19 infection can be reduced by 70%. The easiest way to do this is to open a window. Where it is not comfortable to open a window fully, opening it slightly can still provide ventilation whilst reducing cold drafts.
- Covid Recovery Programmes – Further to the success of the Councils two Covid Recovery programmes in Redditch and Bromsgrove, we now have two more programmes ready to start in January 2021. The success of the projects was measured by using the “30 second sit to stand assessment”, which saw an average increase of 68% in Bromsgrove and 31% in Redditch. In addition to that participants self-reported…
· Sleeping better
· Feeling more positive
· Improved confidence
· Improved management of symptoms
· Understanding the benefits of exercise and a healthy diet
You can see more information about the sessions here….Covid Recovery – redditchbc.gov.uk and Covid Recovery – bromsgrove.gov.uk
- Barnardo’s BOLOH Helpline – Service Update – This service has been expanded to support the mental health and wellbeing of adult asylum seekers across the UK. This project is funding by the Home Office and is in addition to the existing services that offers support to children, young people and their parents. Further information is attached, including details of the free helpline.
- Be part of our Movement in Redditch! – The Borough Council’s Communications Team hosted a social media training session for charities in the run up to World Mental Health Day in October in a bid to highlight their services to those most in need. As part of the session, the Communications Team gave out a “top tips” for social media usage. Please find attached to this bulletin.
Out of the session came the idea of a ‘shared’ hashtag amongst organisations (VCS, Statutory or any organisations who wants to be part of this) which was used in the run up to World Mental Health Day. A shared hashtag is a great tool to use to raise awareness as it results in greater traction and visibility of posts. We want to roll out the hashtag #youarenotaloneRedditch across all of our partners so we all have a similar post on a regular basis which promotes links to help and support, under this hashtag. This will mean more people see the information. To ensure your organisation is included in the movement and part of the work around this hashtag, would you please email Anne-Marie Harley and Kelly-Louise Mitchell at – please let them know who is the best contact in your organisation to help promote messages and undertake communications around the hashtag. They will then email out when there is planned social media communications on certain awareness raising day for mental health and other issues.
- How Are You Doing Worcestershire? – Worcestershire County Council would like to find out how people across the districts are feeling as we manage life in a pandemic. The Public Health team at Worcestershire County Council recognises the uncertain times everyone is living through and that this has affected us all in different ways and the ‘How are you doing Worcestershire? campaign aims to start the conversation to find out how the people of Worcestershire are faring. The conversation launched on social media via the council’s main platforms and with its own Facebook group. It’s an opportunity for residents, workers, parents, everyone in the county to share their stories of how the pandemic has personally affected them, what they have done to cope and how they are feeling now. The campaign invites everyone to be a part of the discussion and join a new Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/how.are.you.doing.worcestershire/ a place to share ideas, chat and get support. This platform will also provide an array of advice, hints and tips for how you can feel better and direction to guidance for those who may be struggling. Insights gathered as part of this conversation will help Public Health at Worcestershire County Council to prepare for the forthcoming Health and Well Being Board Strategy Consultation launching early next year.
- Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund opened December – The grant fund is to support services to help meet increased demand resulting from the pandemic. It closes on 16 January 2022 and further details can be found at: Suicide Prevention Fund 2021 to 2022 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Job Opportunity! *Please Share*
- Engagement Officer – Covid-19 – The COVID Engagement Officer is an exciting new post within the Policy Team, a shared service across Redditch and Bromsgrove. Closing date for applications is 14 January 2022. Further details are attached.
· How do you feel about Covid-19 Vaccinations? – Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council are working with partners to try to better understand how local people feel about Covid-19 and the vaccination programme. Partners including Public Health, the NHS, Worcestershire County Council and Bromsgrove District Council are working together to determine how residents in the local community feel about covid-19 vaccination and their thoughts and views on having or not having the vaccine. To gather this information, a survey has been created. An online version is available for Bromsgrove residents at: Covid 19 Vaccination 2021 – bromsgrove.gov.uk. or for Redditch residents – Covid 19 Vaccination 2021 – Redditch. In addition to being attached, several hard copy surveys will be available at Parkside in the Customer Services area and at the Town Hall and some community venues including Sandycroft, BARN offices and The Basement Project offices.
· Young People’s Health and Emotional Well-being Survey – Healthwatch Worcestershire finds out what people think about health and social care services. They use this information to tell those who run the services how they can be improved. They are running a survey to hear the views and experiences of young people (age 13 to 19) in Worcestershire. In particular, about their health and wellbeing, the impact of Covid-19 and what young people think about online information and support for emotional wellbeing. The survey can be completed online here
Training / Courses
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Skills Training – MECC is about having brief opportunistic conversations, as part of our day to day lives with the people we meet, and to motivate them into making small lifestyle changes. This week and in January, Worcestershire County Council will be delivering free, skills training workshops, online, particularly aimed at volunteers and frontline workers. Further details are attached or you can book by visiting:
- Family Learning Courses – January 2022 – Further information on what courses are on offer is attached. Courses are free, subject to eligibility. Courses can be booked by searching for the course title at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/courses or by phoning 01905 728537 for support. Please see attached for details.
Other Newsletters
- NHS Integrated Care System (ICS) – Covid-19 Vaccination Programme – latest update attached for information.
- DWP Touchbase and DWP Weekly updates – both attached for information.
- NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Communications Update – please see latest two attached.
- NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HW CCG) – Involvement Network Update – please see latest one attached.
Finally….All the very best to Helen Broughton!
For those of you who haven’t heard, the brilliant Helen Broughton is moving on to pastures new and will be starting a new role at Warwickshire County Council. She is certainly going to be missed by all in Redditch. Helen’s last working day is 30 December 2021 so if you would like to message her before she leaves, you better be quick! On behalf of all who know Helen, may I thank her for all her hard work and wish her the very best of luck for the future! (Not that you will need it Helen – you’ll be amazing 😊)
Merry Christmas to you all and we hope you have a safe but very happy New Year.
Kind Regards,
Della McCarthy & Helen Broughton
Bromsgrove Partnership / Redditch Partnership
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